Some people come in for a drink or two; others are practically part of the furniture. There’s a group of people that show up about once a month to have really loud arguments about books, and there are those who have daily drunken conversations on the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything.
Ever since we painted the wall red, we’ve noticed random strangers coming in. Occasionally there is someone chatting someone up in a corner, someone asking the fu wu yuan for the solutions to their Chinese homework, people talking business, or someone plugging in their ipod to put their new favourite song on.
Whereas some of these people insist on having the same pizza and a Dali every time, others are making their way through the entire selection of paninis and imported beer. (Strangely enough, since we started having the Italian aperitif-buffet on Thursdays a few of the loyal Dali drinkers have now switched to Grappa). Hungry students barge in for the lunch specials, couples stop-by for a tiramisu to take away, and locals are blown-away when they discover genuine Italian lasagna.
We’re always there to help anyone who gets dizzy when trying to decide which bottle of imported wine to try, and we’ve been trying to dispel the common belief that there is a secret ingredient in our home-made gelato, (it’s simply made with love and fresh fruit), but feel free to taste and test it.
Whatever you want to eat, eat, whatever you want to drink, drink, whomever you want to meet, meet.
Live outside the box @The Box.
(from our old website, thanks Athina for the text!)
…and what we’ll always be!